7 Product Liability Risks For AI Use In Life Sciences

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making waves across the life sciences industry, reshaping product development and manufacturing in innovative ways. This powerful technology enhances and accelerates the analysis of massive data sets, enabling much faster drug discovery. AI can also cross-reference scientific literature with clinical trial data and other alternative information sources to speed the research and development of new products.

However, introducing AI and machine learning also poses new risks, particularly related to product liability litigation. […]

By | July 23rd, 2024 ||

Plan Ahead To Protect Your Innovation: Product Liability Risks For Medtech Startups

A medtech startup typically focuses on two key legal needs: (1) ensuring that its technology has proper and thorough intellectual property protection, and (2) outlining a detailed pathway for FDA clearance. Those two priorities are understandable.

The areas of intellectual property protection and a regulatory pathway are threshold issues that every potential investor wants addressed before funding a company. The hypothetical risk of future product liability litigation is not as high a priority for startup […]

By | July 22nd, 2024 ||

Explosion Of Silica Exposure-Related Lawsuits In California

Silica is an abundant mineral found in materials including sand, stone, and concrete. While serving as a principal component of glass, cement, and ceramics, silica also presents an increasingly pertinent issue for those with interests in toxic torts, as well as businesses involved in the manufacturing or distribution of silica products: occupational exposure to airborne silica, a leading cause of silicosis and lung cancer.

Silicosis is a severe, incurable lung disease that is often fatal. […]

By | July 30th, 2023 ||