Michael Rausch

Browning Kaleczyc Berry & Hoven P.C
Liberty Center, Suite 302
9 3rd Street North
Great Falls, MT 59401
Tel: (406) 403-0041
Mike has successfully represented manufacturers, car dealers, franchisees, farm implement dealers, and others against claims of product liability. Such claims include claims related to product design, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, and warnings. Often, such claims involve insurance related issues including subrogation, contractual indemnity, tenders of defense, and other legal issues which Mike is very familiar with. Mike’s representation will assist you in presenting a strong, coordinated defense.
Mike’s cost-effective representation helps businesses avoid litigation before it starts. When litigation becomes necessary, Mike obtains resolution through aggressive representation, timely advice, and strategic litigation planning and implementation. Mike has experience in OSHA matters, bankruptcy issues, contract disputes, insurance disputes, environmental law, and other commercial claims.
BKBH attorneys represent and defend product designers, manufacturers, and sellers throughout Montana in all aspects of product liability litigation. We have represented clients in numerous product liability cases, including those alleging defective products involving asbestos-containing products, firearms, medical appliances, automobiles, tires, and household products, among others.
With respect to manufacturers in particular, we understand that product liability defense is about more than just defending a company against potential civil liability – it’s about defending their brand. While brands can take decades or longer to build the associated trust and goodwill, they can be severely damaged in just days through social media. Our role is to work tirelessly in seeking to protect both a company’s financial interest in avoiding a judgment as well as its brand and reputation.
We have the experience to efficiently defend designers, manufacturers, and sellers in any product liability case, and are frequently retained by insurance companies in the defense of their insureds.
Since its beginnings as a small office with two attorneys in 1982, BKBH has become recognized as a leading law firm for Montana businesses and individuals. We take great pride in providing our clients with premier legal services. Our professional services are directed by our Guiding Principles as we consistently strive to represent our clients the way we would want to be represented ourselves.
Whether you are a large corporation, small business, trade group or individual, our dedicated team is ready to help.
At BKBH, we build our teamwork culture by hiring and training talented associate attorneys, paralegals and support staff. We want our new attorneys to learn early how much more effective it is for our client to have legal teams that work closely together. Our new attorneys learn to listen more closely to the suggestions and criticisms of their colleagues and their clients. We have educational and mentoring programs in place to ensure we continue to provide quality legal services at affordable rates.